Should Vincent Kompany already fear a resignation from Anderlecht? | Football24

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 – 08:00

After the loss of points against OH Leuven, Vincent Kompany received a lot of criticism from the Anderlecht fans. They did not understand certain choices made by their trainer and made that clear.

Kompany honestly admitted afterwards that he had made mistakes during the game against OHL. He did not say exactly what he had done wrong. But The newspapaer thinks the response of Vince the Prince is not a show.

“Kompany gradually realizes that”

“Kompany gradually realizes that he is not above the laws of football and will be judged on results,” the newspaper writes. Should Kompany fear a dismissal? Not yet, thinks The newspapaer.

Are judged on the results? “Not so much because of the patient administration, but rather because of the outside world,” emphasizes the newspaper. “If the puzzle doesn’t fit and your team is no better than OHL or Eupen, you worry and question yourself.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020


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