Serie A: “King Ibra” – Italy celebrates “Grandpa” Zlatan Ibrahimovic – Results Serie A – Football

With two goals over the weekend, the Swedish star striker is not only the oldest goalscorer in the more than 100-year history of the Milan derby. With a total of four goals in only two league games that he was able to participate, Ibrahimovic is also at the top of the scorer list. Above all, the top earner has made his club, AC Milan, the sole leader of the Serie A for the first time in eight years.

From the Covid-19 quarantine straight back to the starting eleven: “It wasn’t easy after two weeks at home. It was physically difficult, the body wants to work, wants to play. But out of respect for this Covid I stayed at home and waited to be able to return to the team.”he explained.

Trained like a man possessed

Italian media report that Ibrahimovic – who had no symptoms of Covid 19 disease – also trained at home like a man possessed during the two weeks of quarantine. That is obviously the other side of the casual, arrogant Swede: Maximum training diligence, maximum discipline, paired with still extraordinary talent – Ibrahimovic’s secret of success to be in top form even after more than 20 years in professional football.

“The way you train, that’s how you play. If you don’t train 200 percent, you can’t achieve 200 percent in the game. That’s why you have to do something every day”he said on the internet channel of his club AC Milan. To add shortly afterwards in Ibrahimovic style: If he had been in his current condition at the age of 20 or 30, nobody could have stopped him. But, says the star striker with a twinkle in his eyes, nobody can stop him now either.

Stand: 18.10.2020, 21:20


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