Rui Pinto’s collaboration did not happen sooner because hacker demanded “safeguard” that he would not be harmed – Observer

(In update)

The inspector of the Judicial Police (PJ), who was just heard this Thursday in another session of the Football Leaks trial, assumed that Rui Pinto and his lawyers put the possibility of collaboration at an early stage of the process, but that collaboration ended up not happen because it was “always “asked” the question of self-incrimination “ of the accused. The inspector says that the defendant wanted a “save” from which he would not be harmed, but it was not given.

I think the block, the obstacle was that there was no guarantee that there would be no self-incrimination“, He justified.

It is not so clear whether Rui Pinto started to collaborate because the PJ gave him this guarantee or because he stopped asking for it himself.

The inspector also considered that the current collaboration of the defendant Rui Pinto with the authorities “will have to go beyond” the opening of the hard drives. Questioned by the alleged lawyer hacker, Luísa Teixeira da Mota, on whether the collaboration was “sold out at the opening of the records”, the inspector denied. “We are able to go beyond that”, said without being able to say how this collaboration could be done.

Heard as a witness, the inspector also admitted that if the defendant had not opened the records, there would be no “big breakthroughs” in research, nor managed to make an estimate of how long it would take the PJ to open them:

We could stay here another century. It could be a complicated thing ”.

José Amador ended the testimony this Thursday morning, which dragged on for five sessions. During the afternoon, the PJ inspector, José São Bento, will begin to be heard.

The inspector explained that “elements were not collected that would allow to find evidence of illicit activity with economic benefits ” carried out by Rui Pinto. Hungarian authorities also informed the PJ that “credit institutions were not known” in the country. Thus, the defendant’s only source of income detected was from the old book business he had with his father. However, José Amador considered that “if that was the source of the accused, he must have lived very badly”.

As for the neighborhood where Rui Pinto lived in the Hungarian capital, the inspector explained that “It was not the finest in Budapest” and that it had “less recommended zones”. “It is modest, it is,” he added, when questioned by Rui Pinto’s lawyer.

The inspector further explained that “at certain times” there were people connected to the “world of football” who indicated to the PJ that there were “direct or indirect approaches” with attempts at extortion. After inquiries and other inquiries were made, the PJ found “nothing that would allow a line of investigation to be followed”, do not even link Rui Pinto to these alleged extortion attempts.

In the past session, on September 24, José Amador had spoken of the collaboration of the alleged hacker with the authorities. And he revealed to the court that the PJ still does not know the passwords access to Rui Pinto’s hard drives. This is because the accused only agreed to collaborate if he were to introduce the access credentials.

Never revealed passwords, Europol documents and investigative attacks. How Rui Pinto remains in control of the records

Rui Pinto, the main defendant, is responsible for 90 crimes – all related to the fact that you have accessed the computer systems and mailboxes emails people linked to Sporting, Doyen, the PLMJ law firm, the Portuguese Football Federation, the Bar Association and the PGR. Among those targeted are Jorge Jesus, Bruno de Carvalho, the then director of DCIAP Amadeu Guerra or lawyer José Miguel Júdice. Thus, 68 are of undue access, 14 of violation of correspondence, six of illegitimate access and also for computer sabotage to Sporting SAD and for attempted extortion to the Doyen investment fund.

Aníbal Pinto, his lawyer at the time of the alleged crimes, is responsible for the crime of attempted extortion. This is because, according to the investigation, Rui Pinto demanded from Doyen a payment between 500 thousand and one million euros so that he would not publish documents related to the society that concludes contracts with football clubs worldwide. Aníbal Pinto, then lawyer of the hacker, will have served as your intermediary. And that is why they both sit side by side, in front of the panel of judges.

Rui Pinto. The boy with the “spiky hair” who was already on the school computers before being the “John” of Football Leaks

The alleged hacker has been in preventive detention since March 22, 2019 and was placed under house arrest on April 8 of this year, in a house provided by the PJ. Following a request made by the defendant’s defense, the judge Margarida Alves, president of the panel of judges – who is judging Rui Pinto and who has Judges Ana Paula Conceição and Pedro Lucas as his assistant – decided to release him. The alleged hacker left PJ’s premises in early August and his current address is unknown.


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