Roland Garros> Monfils: “Shouldn’t we say“ Nadal land ”?

During his live on switch which served as a press conference, Gaël Monfils spoke in his words about the hallucinating performance of Rafael Nadal. Like all the other players, he is more than admiring, he would even like us to rename the ocher in homage to Rafael Nadal: “Nadal has been sprinkled by the good Lord. Journalists, you always make a flank, “good this year Rafa …” And it’s been 12 times that he does the same to you, 13 times that he wins. He is monstrous. While laughing, I said that we will have to change the name of Roland-Garros or even the name of the surface. Shouldn’t we say “Nadal land” one day because what he does is exceptional ”


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