Rivaldo goes wild on this Frenchman from Barça!

The ex-Ballon d’Or of FC Barcelona, ​​Rivaldo, has not hidden his disappointment since the arrival at the club of French Ousmane Dembélé. He hopes the former BVB man will finally wake up this season.

Decreased by repeated injuries since his arrival on the side of FC Barcelona, ​​Ousmane Dembélé begins to make the Catalan fans lose patience. To the point of being announced on the shelves of Manchester United this summer. Former legend of the club, Rivaldo still hopes to see him at work in the Barça jersey, at least before the end of his contract …

“Dembélé continues to get injured, to arrive late for training …”, explained Rivaldo in an interview with Sport. “He should be a lot more responsible. If he did his job, if he played regularly, he would have every right to stay at Barcelona, ​​but that’s not the case. Dembélé did nothing to give the club back the enormous effort they made with his transfer. The situation is complicated for Barcelona as they have spent a lot of money to bring him in. But we still haven’t seen a trace of what he showed at Borussia Dortmund. I think he’s an amazing player with great conditions, but if he continues on this path his contract will end without having proven anything at all. “


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