Renata Zarazúa feels closer to the tennis elite

Renata Zarazúa recognized that distance with the best in the world has stopped being great. The Mexican tennis player sat down to chat with the media, a talk that went through different topics, from her historic participation in Roland Garros to the pressure generated by the attention it has attracted with its good results.

On his second round match at Roland Garros, Renata was surprised by the attention the second set received, same that ended in bleached in favor of the MexicanHowever, she made another point in the game.

“I think the most important, beyond that I won 6-0 a set to Svitolina, I think it was measuring myself against her, realizing that being 170 in the world against five in the world, there are very small details that make the difference“Zarazúa explained.

“A lot of people tell me like ‘wow, you won 6-0’ and Right now, I kind of assimilate it a little more, but at that time I was not very focused on the score, I was focused on the game, on my game plan“he added.

ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT (AFP)’);return false;” class=”item-multimedia”>

Renata Zarazúa during her match against Svitolina

That 6-0 got a little attention because the media were saying it a lot, but more than 6-0, what I I am happier is that I could measure myself against her and know that there is not much difference and that now my goals or that level, I don’t see it that far“, he concluded on the subject.

The 23-year-old tennis player has his sights set on the calendar’s next Grand Slam, the Australia OpenHe will seek to participate in it for the first time in his career. “My calendar doesn’t change much because of the virus There are not many tournaments left in November and December. Maybe I play two tournaments in the United States in November. The most important thing for me is prepare myself as best as possible to start the year off right in Australia, which is the first Grand Slam. “he said.

Acapulco was the impulse of Zarazúa

Zarazúa also confessed that his performance at the Mexican Open in Mexico was instrumental in what has become a great year for year. Renata has reached a Final, a couple of Semifinals and a Quarter-Final in this 2020.

“Having the good start in Acapulco. That gave me a lot of confidence, just believing that I could play against top 50 players, especially that match against Stephens, it gave me a lot of confidence, “said Zarazúa.

In Acapulco it was the first time I did something important in the WTA, in past years he had won a game, but he had not excelled more than that. Achieving those semis was super important for my career“, he expressed.

Similarly, Renata regretted that she will not be able to be in Acapulco in 2021, because the Mexican Tennis Open will not have the WTA team, a situation that he hopes can be corrected in the near future.

“I found out the following year that he will not see Acapulco. Obviously it made me sad, but I know that Raúl did his best to keep that tournament. I hope they can do it again in two years, “he said.

His brother, one of the reasons for his growth

“I think they were little details, that they are training you, but definitely the preseason I did in December and early January so that this year would be my year, I already had in my head that I had lived two or three years being 200, 300 of my ranking and I what I wanted it to be like taking that leap and getting out of the little tournaments and being able to start playing bigger tournaments, “he explained.

“The one that my brother will start to work with me and that he knew my goals and my priorities, I think it helped me a lot to guide me on the best path. Obviously there were moments, especially in the pandemic, that you have to train when you don’t want to or that you have to make extra efforts, with the motivation that I wanted this year to go very well, “he added.

I imagined a grandstand full of Mexicans at Roland Garros

Zarazúa confessed that during their matches in Paris, despite only having the company of his brother, began to imagine his compatriots in the stands, an idea that motivated him during the tournament. He also confessed that wishes to represent Mexico in the following Olympic Games, but that is not a simple situation, due to the ranking that he currently has in the WTA.

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Renata Zarazúa in her participation in Roland Garros

“I know that from Mexico they were supporting me and that made me really want to win, to represent Mexico as well as possible. In the end I only had my brother in the stands, I tried to imagine my brother and all the Mexican people sitting around himSo it was something that motivated me a lot, “he confessed.

It’s in my plans (Tokyo 2021). What happens is that here it is by ranking, then it is a question of whether my ranking is enough to enter, surely I will be able to go. What I know is that they are the first 100 in the world, plus some wild cards, so I don’t know how complicated it is. If I have some good results at the beginning of the year, I could do it, “he explained.

Finally, Renata confirmed his participation in the series between Mexico and Great Britain in the Billie Jean King Cup, formerly known as Fed Cup.

“Yes, obviously I’m going to be in that series. We are going against Great Britain and it is obviously difficult, they are very good players, but we are also very good players, a very good team. Guliana Olmos plays doubles very well, she is doing very well. We have to respect them, of course, but we have to believe and trust that we can give a good result, that we can win the series, “he concluded.


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