Rapid trainer Kühbauer waits for Fountas and praises Ritzmaier

Taxi Fountas is stuck in Greece after using the joker in the 0-0 win against Kosovo. “Right now there is a strike. The ground crew had something against the flight home, ”explains the Burgenlander. Fountas will start a new attempt on Friday.

Whether the goalgetter will be used on Saturday in the Cup in Wiener Neustadt (5 p.m.) or only in the Europa League hit against Arsenal (Thursday) is still open.

Regarding the cup duel with the regional league team, in which captain Dejan Ljubicic once impressed as a loan player, Kühbauer says: “This is the old game between David and Goliath. Progress counts. If we prepare properly, it’s up to us.”

Greiml’s return

Center-back Leo Greiml is fully fit again. Kühbauer, who did not want to speak publicly about the pubic bone injury, is relieved.


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