Pradines Lot Basket in the Tarn

Tomorrow, Sunday, October 4, the Pradines Lot Basket pennant team will travel to Lescure-d’Albigeois, in the Tarn, and will play at 1 p.m., as a curtain-raiser, against Cunac-Lescure, as part of the 2nd day of the Regional Championship 2. After their great victory at home last weekend, we gathered the impressions of Magali Soulié, faithful captain, who gives a lot for the club, whether on the field or outside and who, facing the many departures recorded among young people because of higher education, did not hesitate to beat the recall of former teammates who responded “present” in the name of a beautiful friendship and a common passion.

How do you feel after the great victory last Sunday against Villefranche-de-Rouergue?

A very positive feeling I am delighted that the team got off to a good start to the championship, calmly and seriously, while having fun, in front of our always loyal supporters.

How do you see this 2020-2021 season?

This year’s group is different from other seasons; it’s a group that has known each other for a long time and who share the same desire to have fun around a passion: basketball. All the ingredients are there for the team to have a lot of fun playing and getting together. I am very proud of “my” team, I thank them all for being present in this new adventure! And I especially hope that this season will go to the end to continue to give pleasure to Lotois lovers of women’s basketball.

How do you see the trip on Sunday?

This trip will be a first test. Our opponents narrowly won last weekend. Our team is new to this regional group, so we have no apprehension. I can just say that we are going to play our basketball, trying to be more efficient in attack and keeping our energy and our desire in defense. Getting around in Tarn is never easy, but we will give everything to bring back a second victory!


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