PJ says there are ″ conditions ″ to extend collaboration with Rui Pinto in the Football Leaks case

The Judicial Police (PJ) admitted the possibility that the collaboration with Rui Pinto could “go beyond” the opening of the encrypted and seized discs to the creator of Football Leaks, inspector José Amador acknowledged this Thursday.

“We are able to go beyond that”, summarized the person responsible for the investigation in the eighth session of the trial, at the Central Criminal Court of Lisbon, while underlining, however, that the collaboration with the accused in the process was initially conditioned by the absence of guarantee Rui Pinto that the contents of the discs would not be used for his incrimination.

“A safeguard against self-incrimination was soon removed. There were several interrogations that did not go beyond the framework of collaboration. And as self-incrimination was not overcome, the auto was closed,” said José Amador. Asked by Rui Pinto’s defense about a possible use of the content for other investigations, José Amador did not rule out the situation, but focused the discussion on this process: “It is not that it would not be used for anything else. The obstacle is that no guarantee was given that wasn’t used for self-incrimination. “

The subject of the collaboration of the creator of the electronic platform with the authorities occupied a significant part of today’s morning session, and it was not clear whether there was a guarantee or if this safeguard was no longer requested by Rui Pinto. The inspector of the PJ recognized, even so, that he was not “very optimistic” about the opening of the records without the intervention of Rui Pinto.

Ongoing, José Amador assumed that in relation to Rui Pinto’s conduct there was “a substantial difference” in relation to the type of access to computer systems, the way they were made and the tools used for their traceability.

The income of the creator of the electronic platform also deserved analysis by the court in this eighth session, with the PJ inspector responsible for the investigation revealing that “elements were not collected that would allow evidence of illegal activity in the economic earnings” of Rui Pinto.



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