Olympic winner Krpálek will lose the tournament in Budapest due to the covid

As at other international sporting events of this time, pre-start tests are mandatory. Krpálek did not pass. “Unfortunately, pre-departure tests have shown me that I am positive for covid,” he said. He was sorry. “I was so looking forward to my first races, which are to be in Budapest this weekend,” he lamented.

Last week, due to the closed indoor sports grounds in the Czech Republic, he went to a camp in Poland in Zakopane. But he will not be able to sell the mold now, because he has to insulate himself due to the infection. “I follow the doctors’ instructions to be fit for the November European Championships in Prague,” he added.

Lukáš Krpálek won the Athlete of the Year 2019 poll.

Vlastimil Vacek, Right

The European Championship should take place in Prague from 19 to 21 November. Despite the current dramatic epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic, the organizers hope to hold one. “So far, all our preparations continue so that the European Championships in Prague will take place,” Jiří Dolejš, chairman of the Czech Juda Association, told the iSport.cz website on Monday.

In Krpálek’s absence, seven Czech representatives, six men and Renata Zachová should introduce themselves in Budapest.

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