Officers’ Union asks NFL to act against John Harbaugh

During Monday night’s game, the head coach of Baltimore RavensJohn Harbaugh lowered his mask while having a discussion with the officials on the field of play. It is because of that Scott Green, executive director of the NFL Officials Association, has asked the league take action against the strategist.

“Under the current situation due to COVID-19 and the protocols that go with it, it was completely out of line for Coach Harbaugh to remove his mask and verbally confront our officer. Their behavior is in direct violation of the statutes and instructions that the league has made as part of the effort to ensure the safety of players and officials, ”Green said in an email to the inbox of Troy Vincent, executive president of league operations.

“Even more problematic are the public comments made by coach Harbaugh after the game downplaying the incident,” adds the body of the message, according to Tom Pelissero of NFL Network.

“I don’t think there is anyone better than us, me or our staff, from the beginning to the end of the game. Believing that in a heated environment for three hours, especially when yelling, that your mask will not fall off for five or 10 seconds, I do not think that anyone can maintain that standard, “said the leader on Wednesday, according to ESPN.

After reminding all 32 clubs of the league by a memorandum, before and after the first date on the calendar, about the correct use of masks, five coaches have been fined during the season for not wearing face masks in games. This is Jon Gruden from the Raiders; Pete Carroll of the Seahawks; Vic Fangio of the Broncos; Sean Payton of the Saints and Sean McVay of the Rams.

Harbaugh, no NFL messages about it

Coach Harbaugh, for his part, acknowledged to Jamison Hensley that he has not heard anything from the NFL about the altercation with the officials in the 34-20 defeat against Kansas City Chiefs.

“I understand that we are all trying to achieve perfection. We try to be as much as we can. Holding people to that standard is difficult. But you try to do the best you can. That’s all I have to say about it “said Harbaugh, the winningest coach in Baltimore franchise history (125-75).


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