NFL and NBA: Patrick Mahomes and Laurent Duvernay-Tardif want the Raptors in Kansas City

Tuesday, 27 Oct 2020. 6:13 PM

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As the question of where the Toronto Raptors will be located for next season is raised, some cities are emerging as a potential destination south of the border.

The 2019 NBA champions may have to play in the United States instead of Toronto if ever border measures remain in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes raised the possibility of Kansas City hosting the Raptors. The Quebec guard of the team, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif added his voice to that of his teammate, while the mayor of the city Quinton Lucas also made a comment in this direction.

Mahomes posted on Twitter: “Bring them to KC! », Referring to the Raptors.

The mayor responded by writing: “We’re working on it”.

Tuesday morning, Lucas got back to it with a post that read: “Good morning Kansas City!” It’s currently 13 degrees cooler than Toronto, ”using the phrase“ We The North ”for which the Raptors are famous.

This time, LDT responded to the message, writing: “Thank you sir! We definitely feel at home ”.

The T-Mobile Center in Kansas City could be a destination for the Raptors, as it has 19,000 seats and has hosted NCAA Championship games.

Besides KC, Louisville, Hartford and New York would also be options for the Raptors.

The NBA would have submitted a plan for a revival of activities on December 22.


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