MotoGP: “There is a good chance that Marini will get into MotoGP”

The position of Tito Rabat, With a signed contract to continue next season in MotoGP with Esponsorama Racing, he is in danger. The reason is in the interest that Luca Marini and his environment have, led by Valentino Rossi himself, who is his brother, to make the leap to the queen class at the end of this course. This is how he has made it known to AS from Le Mans the team manager of the Italian team, Pablo Nieto, who sees with “good looks” the possibility of the signing of the Moto2 leader with Ducati.

“There is a good chance that Marini will get into MotoGP at the end of the season. Although it is not closed yet, it looks good. The talks we are having are quite advanced,” ensures that of the Sky VR46.

On what the son of the Master Grandson This is the way it would be done, and if a Rossi would have some degree of involvement in this project who, sooner or later, will end up having his own MotoGP team. “All of this is what is being talked about right now and I can’t say anything about the shape because they are things that are on the table right now. For our part, everything is ready and what is clear at this time is that the team will continue to be 99% owned by Raúl Romero “, Pablete ends with a very interesting fact, because The rumor continues to circulate that this team could pass to Rossi’s hands right now. To do this, the Sky VR46 would close its Moto3 team, but Pablo himself assured last night at El Larguero de la Cadena SER otherwise: “We are not yet ready to be in MotoGP.” Another thing is what happens in 2022 …

On the other hand, it should be noted that Marini was able to hit the track for FP3 after the very hard crash he suffered yesterday in FP2. He needs the help of a crutch to walk, because he hurt his left ankle, but he is ready to go out tomorrow to defend the 20-point advantage he has over Bastianini at the head of the general classification on his Kalex.


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