Marcos Mata had his premiere in Japanese basketball

The Argentinian Marcos Mata debuted in the Japan Basketball Second Division League (B2 League) contributing 8 goals for Saga Ballooners, who beat as a visitor to Bambitious Nara, by 75-67, in a match on the ninth date of the tournament. The 34-year-old forward from Mar del Plata scored 2-6 in triples and 2-2 in free practice in the 15 minutes that he remained in the playing field, according to the specialized Eurobasket site.

He former player of Peñarol de Mar del Plata and San Lorenzo, who missed the first eight matches of the contest because he was not in the best physical shape (“he lost kilos and needed to improve his muscle mass,” wrote the site ‘One on one’) decorated his performance with 4 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 blocks.

In Ballooners, which occupies the first position in the West zone of the competition with a 7-2 record, the Cuban escort Reynaldo García Zamora also played (former Estudiantes de Concordia y Gimnasia de Comodoro Rivadavia), who finished with a roster of 11 units, 6 assists, 5 rebounds and 3 steals in 25 minutes.

The next Saga Ballooners meeting will be on November 7, in local condition against Aomori Watts (1-8), last in the East division.


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