Liga: Antoine Griezmann’s odds fall further in Barcelona

Rude 6th day of La Liga, scene on Saturday night of the first defeat of both Real Madrid, at home against the promoted Cadiz (1-0), and FC Barcelona, ​​defeated 1-0 in Getafe. In this context, the Catalan press did not fail to come across Antoine Griezmann, already weakened by his difficulties in finding his rightful place in the attack of the “Blaugrana” for a year and a half. The Habs are particularly criticized for a face-to-face wasted half an hour into the game, his right strike against the opposing goalkeeper passing over the frame (30th).

More generally, Griezmann, even positioned according to his convenience, more in the axis of the field, was not more satisfactory. In the Sport newspaper, the French striker received a score of 3, with the following comments: “Indefensible. Koeman gave him the false 9 spot he was asking for but he barely stepped into the game and when he did it was to miss a clear opportunity. We do not discuss his desire but far from solving the problem, he increased it. “

“His credit is running out”

According to the Sport columnist, Griezmann “did not give the image of the great footballer he claims to be. We cannot judge the career of a player on a ball that does not end in the back of the net, but Griezmann’s opportunities are running out and his dream of succeeding at Barça seems to be fading a little further. AS, a pro-Madrid daily, is even less tender with the world champion: “His match at Getafe is a photograph of his stay at Barça. Blurry, insignificant and worse yet, with damaging failures. His credit is running out. If Depay had arrived… Griezmann might be on the Barça bench. “

For his part, Mundo Deportivo supports where it hurts: “During the week, the French coach had bulged his chest by boasting of putting Griezmann in the position where he performed the most. Koeman placed it like a false 9, with more freedom of movement, without being anchored in the hallway. Griezmann was once again messy and imprecise. “For his first tenure this season, Ousmane Dembélé, the other French striker of Barça, did not send him any encouraging signals either.

On Friday, the Dutch coach of Barça had called Griezmann to order and reaffirmed his intention to play him in the right lane despite the Frenchman’s desire to occupy a more axial position. “His position is more to the right, with freedom,” Koeman said at a press conference on the eve of the trip to Getafe on behalf of the 6th day of La Liga. He added that if he acceded to his request, Barça “would end up playing with ten players in the number 10 position”. Obviously, Koeman had relaxed his views on Griezmann ahead of the Getafe game. The resulting failure only brings water to the Dutchman’s mill.


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