Koeman, on Griezmann: “The coach rules”

In Barcelona there was the unknown about the reaction of Ronald Koeman to the words of the Antoine Griezmann after the game with the French team on Wednesday, in which he let it fall that the French coach, Didier Deschamps, does know how to find the best position for him on the field, unlike his coach at Barça, and the answer has not been kept waiting. The Dutch coach has been forceful and has taken his stripes for a walk in the locker room to quell any hint of rebellion.

«I spoke with Griezmann on Thursday about his position and his performance. I told him that I look for the best for the team and that I see him on the right playing freely to go to the center. When I was the Netherlands coach and played against France, he played on the right. The coach commands and the player has to make the most of it. We cannot play with ten players at the position of 10 “, explained Koeman, pulling the hierarchy.

Of course, after making his position clear against Griezmann, the Barça coach stressed that the French footballer “is doing the most you can do, which is to work hard and be disciplined, and then what you need is to be lucky in your offensive qualities.



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