Is Dallas’s offensive line ready for the Browns?

There is little left for the Week 4 meeting against the Cleveland Browns. Although everything seems to indicate that the condition of home and the offensive power of Dallas play in their favor, still we should not rule out small details. Like for example the offensive line of the team of the lone star. Which has changed many times so far this season and is expected to have excellent results this weekend.

But to understand this situation a little better, the most logical thing would be to analyze the rival first. After an extremely weak start against the Ravens (38 to 6), little by little the Browns have been improving their level. Up to this point, they hold a 2-1 record, beating the Bengals and the Washington team. Still, Dallas ‘offense is very similar to the Ravens’ in terms of effectiveness. With an unstoppable Dak Prescott who has thrown for 1,188 yards and five touchdowns. Certainly, it will be a big challenge for Cleveland’s defense.

However, if there is something in danger and could represent a weak point for the NFC team, this is their offensive line. There have been many changes and certain absences that have complicated the panorama a bit. For example, it is not known for sure when the right OT La’el Collins will return, so rookie Terence Steele will continue to fill his position. A similar case is that of Tyron Smith, who although he has been doing individual exercises, it is not yet known for sure if he will be on Sunday. For weeks 2 and 3, his position has been filled by Brandon Knight. And if Smith doesn’t return, this is most likely still the case. To all these, Cameron Erving has also been on injured reserve since the game against the Rams.

In the second half of the game against Seattle, Zack Martin played right tackle in the absence of Steele, thanks to intoxication. However, everything seems to indicate that Martin will return to his usual position, which is the right base. The same player confirmed it yesterday.

Returning to the rival team, this will not stop being a great test for the group that must protect Prescott. In fact, one of the great points that Cleveland had during week 3 was the great production of turnovers on the contrary. They managed to do this five times against Washington, aside from three interceptions, their first this season.

And when it comes to specific elements, don’t forget to mention defensive end Myles Garrett. Hailing from Texas A&M, he made no secret of his desire to play for the Cowboys, even though he ended up being the top pick in the 2017 Draft and was taken over by the Browns. He currently has three Marshal sacks so far in 2020 and two of the latter were against Washington. Besides, he has two fumbles this season, so he is still a threat to QB Dak Prescott. And as if that were not enough, he usually moves on both sides, but it is very likely that Terence Steele will be the most likely to find him if he jumps onto the field of play.

We also have Joe Jackson, who was part of the Cowboys until preseason. The Browns’ other defensive end has been playing particularly well, coming in for Olivier Vernon, who has had abdominal ailments. Jackson thus far has four combined tackles and one fumble recovered.

Either way, if the Browns can hurt Dallas, it will be because of their defensive line. Since the linebackers corps and the backline are in trouble thanks to injuries. If the Dallas offensive line responds superbly, it is going to be very difficult for the Cleveland team to achieve a positive result at AT&T Stadium.

For now, everything seems to indicate that Dallas’ offensive line is going to remain very similar to the last two games. Unless Tyron Smith plays in week 4 and modifications have to be made again. But for this, you have to wait for the decisions of Mike McCarthy and his coaching staff.


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