Inventive – Mödling’s badminton aces train in the apartment

Mödling’s badminton aces, like so many, are condemned to wait and see. At least until April 13th there is no competition. The Bundesliga play-offs have been postponed. In the semifinals, the J.Stettner team would meet the regular round winner Pressbaum. Double specialist Dominik Stipsits and Katrin Neudolt also have to forego a start at the European Championship. The continental title fights have been canceled. They should have taken place in the Ukrainian capital Kiev at the end of April.

Juggling the shuttlecock

But necessity makes inventive, because training in the hall is currently not possible, the Mödlingers simply play at home. Shadow badminton in the apartment or in the garden is just as important as juggling balls with the racket so that the specific movements are not completely forgotten. In addition, stabilization and strength exercises are currently on the agenda. And running in the fresh air is still allowed.

The badminton players report on their current sporting life on the club’s Facebook and Instagram page (badmintonmoedling).



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