Infirmary: More hopes with Marquinhos than Verratti for PSG / MU

Victorious 4-0 in Nîmes, PSG can now turn with PSG / Manchester United next Tuesday and Thomas Tuchel spoke a lot about the infirmary during the post-match, whether on the television microphone or at a press conference . With a little more hope for Marquinhos than for Verratti for example.

PSG won 4-0 at Nimes in a one-sided game and they can now fully turn to the reception of Manchester United next Tuesday in the Champions League. Paris will not be complete since at least three players are already forfeited: Juan Bernat who still has months to go, Mauro Icardi who treats his affected knee and Thilo Kehrer who will return at best in the middle of the week. PSG also has a collection of players affected a few days before the game as the medical press release of the day had already pointed out.

Holder in Nîmes but released after barely 10 minutes, Leandro Paredes suffered both from a very strong blow to the ankle but also from a muscle problem with the hamstrings felt just after. For Tuchel, “It will be short for Manchester United” and he is added to the list of three very uncertain players for the game: Marquinhos, Marco Verratti and Julian Draxler. Players about whom the German coach has had a sometimes fluctuating speech.

In a press conference, for example, he announced that, as for Paredes, “With Marco (Verratti), Marquinhos, Draxler, it will be very short. ” But at the microphone of Canal +, the information changes slightly: “I really hope for Marquinhos, I have doubts for Verratti, as with Paredes since today. Draxler, I really hope, as with Marquinhos. At this point, I think it’s easier for Marquinhos than for Verratti. I’m not the doctor, but that’s my impression. We will try everything, that’s clear, until Sunday and Monday. “

On the other hand, Neymar will be there for PSG / MU as Tuchel explained: “We gave him a free day. He gave everything during the break, with a lot of travel. It wasn’t after a discussion or a meeting with him, I decided it was better for him to stay home today. He will resume with us tomorrow to prepare for Manchester but he will be on the ground for sure. ” All that remains is to find 10 partners for him.


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