Hard blow for Karabatic, badly injured in the knee and absent for several months – Division 1

Victim of a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee, the star of the French hand will be absent for several months. Disturbing at 36 years old.

There is cause for concern. Or even imagine, who knows, an end of career? the verdict fell on Monday through his club. At 36, Nikola Karabatic suffered a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee on Saturday during the 5th day of the Starligue and will be absent for several months. “Forced to leave on injury during the last match of Lidl Starligue, Saturday in Ivry, Nikola Karabatic carried out additional examinations which revealed a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee”, explained the PSG in a press release. “The French international will undergo surgery soon. The duration of his unavailability is estimated at several months, ”he added, without giving further details.

Minimum six-month convalescence

Terrible blow for the star of French handball, who will therefore not be able to participate in January in the 2021 World Championship in Egypt with the French team. For such an injury, the average recovery time is six months. In this case, he would not be available for the Olympic qualifying tournament scheduled for March, during which the Blues, 14th in the last European Championship 2020, will have to try to secure their ticket for the Tokyo Olympics.

The playmaker of the Blues and the PSG, double Olympic champion (2008, 2012), quadruple world champion (2009, 2011, 2015, 2017) and triple European champion (2006, 2010, 2014), was injured during the large victory of his team at Ivry 35-25. In the 16th minute of play, the center-half was thrown off balance in the air after a pass for his Polish pivot Kamil Syprzak and his right knee twisted as it fell. He came out of the field grimacing, helped by a teammate and a member of staff.



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