Happy Birthday | Grant Hill’s 33 Best Career Actions

“What if Grant Hill hadn’t been injured?” ““What if he hadn’t gone to the pool table multiple times?” “

Questions will always hover over the elegant winger, cut off in his tracks at 28 by numerous ankle problems, despite having been an All-Star five times in his first six seasons, before finally going later reborn with the Suns in a lesser role.

Questions that bother fans because they adored the Pistons outfielder: in 2001, despite this ankle injury and four small games under his new Magic colors, they had elected him holder of the All-Star Game.

Many are therefore nostalgic who will appreciate the 33 best actions of the one who entered the Hall of Fame in 2018, and who celebrates his 48 birthday this Monday.

With a lot of highlights in Detroit, of course, but also a little in Orlando and Phoenix.


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