Guillaume Blais and Étienne Chouinard: a winning combination | Sports | The sun

“In my head, as we were already training together, it was logical that we play together,” admits Guillaume. “I already had a partner when I was offered to work with Étienne. I immediately saw that we could do great things together, that our chances of success were very good. In fact, our goal this year is to win the provincial championship. ”

“For my part, I didn’t believe that teaming up would be so beneficial for both of us,” adds Étienne. But we’ve been playing really well for the past few weeks. We have a very good record and we are very proud of what we have accomplished. ”

Both players do not hide that with their recent successes has come a certain pressure. Despite a promising start and steady progress, the tandem weren’t getting the attention they do now. Especially since during the conquest of their three titles, they did not lose a single round. When they enter a tournament, they are now among the favorites.

“We now feel a little more pressure,” says Guillaume. “But I think we have a good way to distance ourselves from this one. We just want to play badminton. That’s what we’re good at. “

“I feel a bit of pressure, says Étienne. But when we are in the field, I tell myself that we are like everyone else and that fate will take us where we need to go. “

Together at CEGEP

Originally from Rivière-du-Loup, Étienne started playing badminton for fun with his brother in the backyard of the family home. Quickly, he was charmed by the energy expenditure in the practice of this sport which prompted him to join the team of his school. These successes took him to train once a week with the Rouge et Or. A few months ago, they prompted his parents to move to the Old Capital. “It was a family decision,” explains Étienne. She was unanimous. And my father was already working in Quebec. ”

For his part, Guillaume was a member of a sport-study program in table tennis. A member of the Quebec team, however, he turned to badminton where he was attracted by the atmosphere. “I have more badminton friends and the social is good. I like training with the Rouge et Or team because we all know each other and we push each other to be better. ”

Both high school students, but in different schools, Blais studies at Cardinal-Roy school while Chouinard is at Saint-Charles-Garnier College, the two rackets are thinking of attending the same CEGEP in order to be able to defend the colors of the same collegiate team and to be able to train even more often together. They decided on the Cégep de Sainte-Foy.

“They have a very good team. They’ve won the provincial championship three times, ”says Guillaume. “We will therefore try to boost their team,” he adds jokingly.

That advantages

For Étienne, the fact of playing even more often with his partner would only have advantages. “One thing is certain, it could help us progress even faster,” says Étienne. “It would allow us to get to know each other even better and prevent us from making mistakes.”

“There would be no more gray area in our game. We would complement each other even better and we could exploit our strengths even more,” concludes Guillaume. “

If they are aiming for the provincial championship in their category in the short term, Blais and Chouinard also have other big goals. Guillaume would like to play for the Rouge et Or at Laval University. “A nice long-term goal would be to take part in the Universiade, whether it’s singles or doubles, and win games there. It would be a great accomplishment. ”

“In the short term, I would like to play with the Dynamiques of the cégep de Sainte-Foy, admits Étienne. And I can see myself playing at university with the Rouge et Or … and going to the Universiade because it’s really a great experience. “


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