Game between Saints and Chargers could take place in Indianapolis

The confrontation between New Orleans Saints and Los Angeles Chargers, valid for Monday Night Football of week 5 of the regular season of the NFL, can take place at Lucas Oil Stadium, in Indianapolis, home of the Colts. According to the American ESPN, the Saints are studying the possibility due to the approach of Hurricane Delta, which should reach the state of Louisiana by Friday.

In addition to the match, the Saints are evaluating the possibility of moving training to the site, just as it did in 2008, when the state was hit by Hurricane Gustav. The franchise considers Indianapolis as a good contingency plan due to the city’s large hotel chain and the proximity of the center to the stadium.

The NFL usually has contingency plans for cases like this. The league would have already warned Indianapolis Colts about the possibility of Monday Night Football taking place at their stadium next Monday (12). The Colts host the Cleveland Browns on Sunday (11).

“We will continue to monitor the situation in the region and maintain contact with the clubs. We always have contingency plans for every game, ”said NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy.

The first training of the Saints for the match should take place this Thursday. The team should leave New Orleans shortly after the session, should the need arise. However, no decision has yet been made.

(Photo: Instagram reproduction / Lucas Oil Stadium)


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