France team: “I will try to stay as long as possible”, promises Aouar

For nearly an hour, the 22-year-old Lyonnais lived his international baptism of fire on Wednesday evening, during the very large success of the Blues against Ukraine (7-1). Interesting by the quality of his set pieces, Houssem Aouar spoke this Thursday by videoconference. A little intimidated by the media exercise, he never departed from a cautious reserve on many subjects.

What did you feel for this first match with the Blues and more generally how were the first days of training?

HOUSSEM AOUAR. When we arrived on the pitch, of course, there was a little bit of apprehension because we know it’s on a whole new level. Regarding my integration, the players welcomed me. Many have spoken to me. It was easier for me.

You play as a new generation that is a little tight against pressure …

I don’t know if the pressure is on me or on my partners, but it also comes from the fact that the other players put us at ease, they advise us a lot and make us feel that we have our place here.

Were you surprised by the level of your partners in selection?

I have had great Champions League matches with OL, but here they are really the best players, things are going faster. I’m not surprised. I expected the standard to be very high. There is a lot of competition. This is my first appearance, I relish it, but I will try to stay here as long as possible. This is the hardest part.

What do you think you can bring to this group?

My know-how in the field. But I know that I am arriving in a quality group, a world champion group. We will have to make our place little by little, working as much as possible.

Is it a handicap not to play in the Champions League?

I am convinced that the manager watches all the games. I will always have visibility with my club.

Did you feel comfortable as a high point of a diamond midpoint?

I think I have this ability to be able to evolve in several positions, I do not necessarily have a preferential place. Wednesday was, in fact, at the top of the diamond with excellent players around, it is immediately easier.

Djamel Belmadi would have liked to convince you to join the Algerian selection. Why did you choose France?

I am very happy to be here. Now what can be said outside, I am not very attentive. I stay focused on my goals.

You were announced leaving Lyon. What state of mind are you in?

I asked myself all the necessary questions. I am motivated to have a good season with my club and to make up for lost points. We will try to put OL in its place. We have a quality squad, there are very good offensive players with some arrivals. Now we will have to demonstrate it. I am not disappointed to be still here, quite the contrary. I stay at home in my heart club with my friends and family.

How far have your contacts with PSG gone?

Honestly, I don’t want to talk about this. We closed the transfer window. I will mainly focus on what I have to do in club and in selection.


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