For the GM of the Blazers, leaving the secure atmosphere of the “bubble” was not necessarily easy

Neil Olshey, the GM of the Blazers, congratulated the NBA for the organization of its “bubble”, which made it possible to end the season without any case of Covid-19, in order in particular to recover nearly 1.5 billion dollars. dollars.

“The league has done an incredible job. More than anything, everyone talks about the atmosphere, but the feeling of security there was incredible ”, he explains. “The league did a remarkable job of making sure everyone in this bubble was informed, that everyone was following health safety protocols. We were tested every day, we were subjected to best practices to make sure we were wearing our PPE [équipements de protection individuelle], that we respect social distance, that we were separated from each other by a meter and a half. “

While many players found the time long and longed to return home, the 55-year-old leader seemed reassured by this secure environment, at the heart of an uncontrolled pandemic.

« From that perspective, the biggest adjustment was actually – but people haven’t talked about it – exiting the bubble. Getting out of the bubble was a major adjustment: going back to the stores, being in the community again, being at home, knowing where the risks are (to be contaminated). ”


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