Football Manager 2020, analysis of the evolution of the franchise

Years go by and many things change for the football fan. In the last couple we have experienced the incorporation of video arbitration, now a European Championship with no fixed venue is approaching and it is even possible that we will experience a World Cup outside of the summer. Luckily life remains the same in many things, and one of them is the good habit of Sports Interactive.

The definitive version arrives

New annual installment of a franchise that will give us hundreds of hours of fun during the season, as is the case with Football Manager 2020. The game already has its final version and as we can always say one thing clear: for the not so staunch fan of the saga, the title could seem practically the same as the previous edition. But those of us who do not get tired of giving it until the month of October, we do appreciate the interesting news that it incorporates each year and which we will comment briefly on.

The first thing we find are many new features at the interface level. Some are of little consequence, but for example it highlights how clearly we can now delegate functions to our staff or follow the progress of our loaned players and affiliate promises. We also find news from Quality of Life, how to be able to ask our sports director very quickly and easily to suggest possible signings for a certain position and role.

Many improvements

Nor could they miss the usual dropper improvements to the 3D engine of the matches, although the overall appearance continues to give the feeling of traveling more than 10 years into the past. The truly tangible novelty is that they finally renew the images of the rain that so many jokes have always generated in the forums, and now they resemble people.

At the level of match simulation, the standard of realism in Football Manager 2020 it is still quite high, although desperate tendencies persist, such as players always preferring to shoot from very tight angles even if they have a teammate only in the small area, or that goalkeepers do not react to certain long balls behind their defensive line. But the overall experience of the matches is realistic and compelling, one of the keys to the success of this saga.

And there is not much more to say, beyond a classic in these reviews: do we recommend buying Football Manager 2020? The answer is yes, but with the nuances mentioned previously. A staunch fan of the series or someone who truly values ​​having updated templates is sure to enjoy this new edition. However, those who simply want to try a football manager game and / or have no problem having the database from last season can also enjoy some of the previous editions for a ridiculous price.

I personally am one of the first, and although there is no doubt that much of the news is testimonial, I think that few games ensure an experience as close to reality as the one found in Football Manager 2020. [82]


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