Football: a young referee attacked yesterday at his home – all the news from Martinique on the internet

The debates should be lively this Wednesday evening at the League. Where the officials of the institution will look into the aggression of Samuel Nomer. An assault perpetrated yesterday, while the young man was at the family home. The parents of a youngster from L’Essor came to his home to demand accountability, following the match between the eleven northerner and the Franciscan Club (Regional 1) last Friday (October 9).

Assistant to Jean-Pierre Janvillier during the meeting, Samuel Nomer would have received insulting words from the player (volè, ​​makoumè *…). And when he would have asked his interlocutor to repeat, it would have followed a tête-à-tête between the two men. Acts which would have resulted from a sporting point of view by a red card on the arbitration report.

The Assistant also reveals the attempt to intimidate the gaze of the young footballer at the end of the match, from the pre-Chot locker room, facing that of the referees. L’Essor then leader of the championship, which fell 2-1 Friday night, losing leadership suddenly to the benefit of the Franciscans, would do without this publicity.

Projectiles and … sputum throws

The case would have ended there. In any case until yesterday, around 5 pm. Moment and stepfather of the young player would have waited to show up at the man in black. They would blame him for holding the player by the neck, then shaking. The latter would even have returned home crying. What Samuel Nomer denies.

So yesterday would have followed after a heated verbal exchange of throwing projectiles, including stones against the official’s house, spitting also. The mother of the young referee, present, as well as a cousin, would have been jostled. Samuel Nomer located in height would not have gone out, but would have filmed the scene. Which will certainly serve as evidence when judging this act of incivility. One more. The perpetrators have been in custody since last night. If the young referee says “does not understand” the reaction of the stepfather, an acquaintance of childhood, he will later go to the gendarmerie to lodge his complaint. Before his stint at the League this evening. A governing body, whose president, Samuel Péreau sounded the alarm a week ago after the assault in Marin, of a Colonial Club player on the sidelines of the match between the eleven Foyalais against the Olympic.

* (thief, couillard …)



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