Fans launch crazy petition against Kyle Kuzma!

Despite the huge run of the Lakers, Kyle Kuzma is far from unanimous among fans. Some are not at all tender with the young strong winger, proof recently with a delusional petition launched against him.

Kyle Kuzma doesn’t seem to have many supporters in the current NBA community. Paradoxically, it is perhaps even at his own Laker Nation that he has the least. The number 0 of the Purple & Gold, relegated to the bench this season to make way for Anthony Davis, is struggling with his new role.

Its playoffs also reflect its difficulties quite well. Kuzma couldn’t do it and turned 10.1 points (43.8% shooting, 31.3% three-pointers), 3.4 rebounds and 1 assist on average per game, in just over 23 minutes. It is very insufficient for a team which aims for the title, and the first big dissatisfied, it is the fans of the Lakers.

Some bluntly believe… that he doesn’t deserve to be rewarded like his teammates, and have launched a hilarious online petition against the young player. According to them, if the Lakers were to win the title (which seems to be off to a good start), Kyle Kuzma should not even receive a ring!

Subject of the petition : Kyle Kuzma shouldn’t have a ring if Lakers win

Apparently, several fans have a grudge against the young forward, less in sight since the superstars took power in Los Angeles. He is less and less efficient under the jersey of the Lakers, it is a fact. But from there to depriving him of the ultimate reward, it’s still daring!

The petition seems to have had little success despite everything. We can see on the screen that the bar of 1500 signatures is very close. And she has ridden well since. At the time of writing, no less than 2,300 signatories have joined the movement.

Admittedly, this still seems insignificant given the millions of people who support the Lakers around the world. But again, the networks social are ruthless.


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