EdF: Deschamps sad for Griezmann

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Again disappointing against Sevilla FC (1-1) Sunday in La Liga, FC Barcelona striker Antoine Griezmann (29 years old, 3 games in La Liga this season) still does not manage to shine on one side. No wonder for his coach in the France team Didier Deschamps, affected by the situation of his player.

“I know Antoine well and I had to use him on one side. He can do it because he is generous but where he is most influential for his team is in the heart of the game and when he can. bring the binder, explained the technician. He does not have the ability of other players to eliminate on one side. He is subtle in the movements but above all he needs to touch the ball a lot. “

“(…) I exchange with Antoine and I see things clearly. I am convinced that he is not happy with the situation. He does the best he can by taking into account the different situations, by adapting to the system and other players. He does not balk but to give his full potential, it is always better for a player to play in his best position, “defended the coach of the Blues, who will try to put a smile on the Blaugrana during the tricolor rally.

Read 8.038 times – by Eric Bethsy on 06/10/2020 at 00:57


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