Coronavirus in Berlin: court suspends accommodation ban in Brandenburg – Berlin

There are innkeepers in Brandenburg too Urgent applications against the ban on accommodation submitted to the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg.

As the RBB reports, the OVG is on Wednesday evening Second urgent application against the ban on accommodation for people from Corona risk areas received. According to the report are now two urgent applications and one lawsuit against the ban on accommodation at the OVG. Two Brandenburg hoteliers are resisting the regulation and complying with it for disproportionate and illegal. A court spokeswoman told the broadcaster that The responsible Senate wants to decide quickly on these cases.

Of the Administrative Court in Baden-Württemberg gave an urgent application against the ban on accommodation there on Thursday. In In Lower Saxony, the Lüneburg Higher Administrative Court declared the ban unlawful. Both decisions cannot be challenged.

Anyone who comes from a region with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week – for example from Berlin – may not stay overnight in hotels, guest houses or holiday apartments in Brandenburg. The exception is a at most 48 hour old negative corona test or a compelling business trip. Excursions, shopping and visits are not covered by the ban.

Of the State tourism association criticized, with more than seven million overnight stays since the beginning of the year, there is no evidence that sleeping in holiday accommodation leads to an increased risk of infection. In Berlin again there is none Ban on accommodation for external visitors.

Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) defended the regulation. “I very much regret, in the interests of many families and also restaurateurs and hoteliers, that this coincides with the autumn holidays in Brandenburg and Berlin”, he said. “But we have to avoid as much physical contact as possible.”

Minister of Health Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) said: “If we are in agreement, that schools and daycare centers should definitely remain open and serious interventions in the economy will have serious consequences, then we now have to work on two adjusting screws: private celebrations and parties and dispensable trips.“

SPD parliamentary group leader Erik Stohnwho had questioned the ban on accommodation, proposed a compromise. How about if everyone could move around freely, whose Corona warning app showed no risk encounters within the last 14 days? He said.

Of the Left MP Andreas Büttner stated again on Thursday, the ban on accommodation makes no sense. “It gets even more absurd after Cottbus was declared a hotspot today,” said Büttner on Thursday. “So the Cottbus people are no longer allowed to stay out of their city and in other Brandenburg districts?” Also the tourism policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group, Frank Bommert, demanded a rethink from the red-black-green state government. In view of the judgments, Brandenburg must become one legally secure handling of the ban on accommodation find back, he demanded.

Also the AfD parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament demanded that Immediately lift the ban on accommodation. The state government must take the court decisions as a clear sign, said the AfD member of the state parliament Daniel Münschke. The FDP state chairwoman Lina Teuteberg warned that blanket bans on accommodation were a massive and disproportionate encroachment on fundamental rights. “The state government itself should uphold the basic rights of its citizens and not wait for court decisions,” she demanded. (with dpa)


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