Campenaerts “satisfied with top 5”, De Gendt wants “super legs for top 3” | Giro

For Victor Campenaerts, the opening time trial in Sicily fell completely into the water after a slide. He says he has no account open, but shuns the big statements.

“It’s a nice course, a course that suits me”, says the hour record holder about the 14th stage.

“Due to the excellent legs of Domenico Pozzovivo, my preparation has been a little less ideal than normal. I certainly did not spare myself on Thursday, on the contrary.”

“After the first steep climb after 7 kilometers, a lot will already be clear. The classification men will have good papers there, but then there will be a long part that is more suited to me.”

“As I said before: I don’t ride around here with my best legs, but a time trial in a grand tour is always special. Whoever beats Filippo Ganna wins. Absolutely. It amazes me how lavishly he uses his powers here. “

“If I will be satisfied myself? If I ride in the top 5, then I will be satisfied. That is not too ambitious.”

Thomas De Gendt went after Friday’s stage with Kevin De Weert in the support vehicle to take a look at the time trial route.

“If I have good legs, then top 10 is definitely possible. If I have super legs, then the top 3 is even possible,” he said on Friday morning.

“Last year I finished in the top 3 twice in a Grand Tour on a similar course. I think there could be a nice time trial.”

They defend Joao Almeida’s pink jersey with that other Belgian team. The Portuguese surprised in Palermo with a 2nd place in the chrono. Can he repeat that cabinet piece again?

Sports director Klaas Lodewyck: “A lot is possible. It is a slightly longer time trial, but Joao’s condition is good. We have to start with confidence.”

“This is a completely different time trial than on the opening day. We were also lucky with the early start hour.”

“This will be a fairly difficult time trial where you have to divide well.”

“That he stays calm? Everything is possible, nothing is mandatory. That is the difference with a top favorite like Vincenzo Nibali or Jakob Fuglsang.”


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