Blagnac Tennis Club: the Roland-Garros label, at the right time

In the middle of the Grand Slam tournament, the Blagnac Tennis club yesterday received the “Club Roland-Garros” label, awarded by the French Tennis Federation to 150 clubs in France, a handful in the region.

The BTC ceremony took on a particular brilliance with the presence of the hero of the whole club, the whole city, the whole region, even all of France, judging by the incredible media enthusiasm that Hugo Gaston has aroused since his feat against Wavrinka and his Homeric match against Thiem, in the round of 16.

“A signal for young people”

“We have always accompanied the club in its approach to training young people, its tennis school. Hugo’s fabulous successes are a very, very strong signal, an example, a motivation for all these kids. We hope to see other little Hugo “rejoices Joseph Carles, mayor.

“The Roland-Garros label is awarded to clubs which have at least four clay courts, maintain them, have a national level, and organize events and tournaments there” indicates Philippe Belou, vice-president of the Occitanie league , who knows about hopes. Director of the Ferradou college-high school, he welcomes around twenty young BTC players in classes with flexible hours, in an effective partnership.


“This label is recognition for the BTC, whose name will be inscribed on a wall at Roland-Garros and which will be able to open, if it wishes, a derivative product store” adds Pierre Doumayrou, president of the league, delighted with the state of the indoor courts: “It’s velvet!”.

No wonder for Christophe Caracatsanis, the president of the club: “The town hall offers us quality facilities. As soon as something is missing, the city helps us. Two courts are renovated each year, the lighting has been changed”. He gave his guests an ocher napkin, the color of clay, designed for the club’s 40th anniversary this year.

But the best gift, of course, was Hugo Gaston. Without racket but with a permanent smile, to express his gratitude, in a few words and a bunch of photos, to his former coaches, his managers, his friends, a base forged over 11 years. At the beginning of the afternoon, his followers were still in their respective schools. But 6th grade students from Annunciation College in Seilh, who are taking introductory BTC courses, spontaneously gave him a refreshing welcome. They too dreamed last weekend… And it’s not over yet.


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