Betis and Granadilla Tenerife stop their coaches

Real Betis and UD Tenerife Granadilla dismissed the two coaches with whom they started the season, Antonio Contreras and David Amaral, respectively, on Monday afternoon. The identity of the substitutes for both technicians is still unknown, although in the case of the Canarian team there is speculation about the possibility of the return of Pier Luigi Cherubino. The former Tenerife player was the coach of UD Granadilla Tenerife last season in which the team finished in fourth position.

The dismissal of Antonio Contreras comes after a new defeat by Real Betis that occupies the penultimate place. The Sevillian team lost 3-2 in the field of EDF Logroño. Contreras, who arrived at the Verdiblanca entity last summer, has not managed to get the best performance out of a squad on which there were great expectations. The team has always moved in the lower part of the classification, despite the fact that the sensations conveyed by the game were much better than what their classification implied.

David Amaral’s case is different. The Tenerife are five points from relegation and their situation without being brilliant is not hopeless either. In addition, the Granadilla march has been upward. Last Saturday, without going any further, he offered a good image in the Johan Cruyff stadium. The Catalans won 3-1, but the Amaral players did not make things easy for them.

The causes of Amaral’s dismissal seem to be more related to the bad relations he had with a part of the board and also with some charismatic players from the club.

With these two layoffs, there are now four teams that have changed coaches since the start of the season. The first was Atlético de Madrid. In this case, it was not a dismissal but a personal decision by José Luis Sánchez, the coach with whom the Madrid women had won the league the previous season. The first dismissal was that of Salvador Jaspe as Espanyol coach a week ago. His place on the parakeet bench has been occupied by Jordi Ferrón ever since.


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