BeBasket: basketball news in France and Europe: Tarbes

For the third and last LFB match of the weekend – the other three posters of the sixth day having been postponed – Tarbes receives Basket Landes this Sunday afternoon. The meeting will be played behind closed doors, the Hautes-Pyrénées prefecture having imposed on the TGB to play without an audience. A decision castigated by the emblematic coach of the club, François Gomez, in La Dépêche du Midi.

“There is a great feeling of incomprehension. It all started with a response from the prefecture to an insignificant email from us. We wanted to know if by playing on Sunday, the banda could still come and play at the Quai. thought we could play this match against Basket Landes with a gauge of 1000 spectators, wearing a mask and one out of two condemned seats … And in the end, our answer we did not get, except that we must play behind closed doors. In my opinion, such important subjects deserve that we ensure the good dissemination of the message and not be satisfied with an email. We then asked for a postponement of the meeting, the League We refuse it when our opponents were in agreement. As a matter of fact, we respect the rules because it is part of the values ​​of the TGB. But all this is not audible, especially since we are the only team in the championship to have play behind closed doors this weekend. “

Like Romuald Yernaux, the coach of the Flames Carolo, the former coach of Sweden is now asking the question of the suspension of the 2020/21 season.

“Wisdom would go in this direction. We continue to pay salaries (14 people at the club), referees, we must be able to offer things to our partners, but we have no recipe. It is not tenable. play today because we are committed to it. But from tomorrow, we will very seriously consider whether or not to continue the season with the club office. We will talk about it to the League but continue under these conditions, c it is to pursue a suicidal will but I love life. […]”

The closed door, which is spreading everywhere in France, could spell the end of the 2020/21 season. Or at least take a long break …


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