Ball: Couples ball final is suspended due to Baiko’s ball strike

The Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Countryor has admitted the precautionary measures requested by the ELA union around the final of the Couples Championship, for what remains suspended the match by the caps between Olaizola II-Urrutikoetxea and Ezkurdia-Martija Sunday afternoon at the Bizkaia de Bilbao.

ELA, on behalf of the Baiko pelotaris collective, filed an appeal on Tuesday against the decision of the Single Competition Judge of the Liga de Empresas de Pelota a Mano (LEP.M) in which he dictated the 22-0 defeat of Agirre and Albisu for failure to appear in the semi-final league match that was to be played against Ezkurdia and Bikuña, a replacement for Martija that day. The union understands that this determination supposes “a violation of the right to strike” of two pelotaris who had aspirations to access the final and, consequently, requested precautionary measures.

According to the note released by ELA after learning about the measures ordered by the TSJPV, “the court decision admits that there are enough indications to think” that in the semi-final league match of the Couples Championship scheduled for last Saturday in Bizkaia he violated the right to strike »of Agirre and Albisu. In consecuense, the TSJPV orders the provisional suspension of the final. “This is how it is included in the resolution,” says the union. Hereinafter, the litigation is pending the judgment of the court, which will have to study whether there was actually that violation of the right to the huega of Asier Agirre and Jon Ander Albisu.

The ELA note adds that “the workers have received the resolution with satisfaction, but want to emphasize once again that the solution to this conflict is not in the courts, but at the negotiating table.

The Pelotaris collective stresses that “this situation is not comfortable for anyone and we want to make it clear that our doors are open whenever you want to negotiate in good faith. We call on Baiko to put aside attitudes against the strike and the workers, and sit down to negotiate until we reach an agreement.

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