Badminton Chairman is in custody

The president of the Badminton Federation, Alberto Sánchez, is detained in Azua, accused of allegedly raping a minor, a case dating from 2013 and which apparently had been elucidated by then.

Sánchez is currently receiving medical assistance at a medical center in Azua and it is expected that in the next few days it will be known whether the case, just over seven years old, deserves instruction or not.

“Someone interested has moved this,” said a badminton official. “More than six years have passed since this and one of the nuns from the San José school in Azua said that this was elucidated.

Alberto Sánchez has been detained since last Sunday.

He recalled that for 2013 inquiries were made and the conclusion was reached that “nothing had happened there.” At that time, only one document had to be signed.

The Badminton leader who did not want to offer his name reported that the case has been “revived” by a grandfather of the minor, who even, according to what has transpired, has asked “how much does he enter the federation” of badminton. The law firm Tomás Duarte y Asociado is handling the case. Alberto Sánchez was elected president of the Dominican Badminton Federation at the end of last February



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