A reprieve for amateur football in Martinique

The suspension of amateur competitions was decided by the French Football Federation this Thursday morning. A decision that comes into force following the announcement of confinement and until December 1 at a minimum.

However, the leaders of Martinican football hammer home that the decision does not yet concern the competitions of our island. In a press release, the secretary general of the LFM indicates that “The regulatory framework that will be set by the State to decide whether or not to continue the competitions is the responsibility of the Prefect who will communicate this Thursday, October 28, 2020 on the subject.”

In addition, the LFM has published on its facebook page a letter from the president of the Amateur Football League, Marc Débarbat. The latter specifies to the presidents of the overseas leagues that “the decision to stop competitions does not apply to [leur] territory”.

The Martinican football world therefore still wants to hope for the flexibility of the prefect concerning the discipline. The decision will be known around 4:10 p.m., at the end of Stanislas Cazelles’ press conference. A press point to follow live on RCI Martinique’s Facebook page and on our branch.



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