A few days after the divorce from the Clippers, Rivers takes over the reins of the ’76ers’

Famous National Basketball Association (NBA) coach Dock Rivers took over the reins of the Philadelphia 76ers a few days after his divorce from the Los Angeles Clippers.

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Last week, Rivers and the Clippers agreed that he would resign as head coach, but at the weekend he was confirmed as the 76ers helmsman. The club does not disclose the details of the agreement, but ESPN reports that the agreement is for five years.

The 58-year-old Rivers is the Clippers’ richest coach, taking the team to 356 victories in 564 games in seven seasons. Under his leadership, the Clippers reached the elimination tournament six times and played four times in the Western Conference semifinals.

This season, the Clippers, who were considered one of the favorites for the title, released the lead 3-1 in the semifinals of the conference and conceded 3-4 with the Denver Nuggets.

Prior to arriving in Los Angeles in 2013, the Rivers led the Boston Celtics for nine seasons, but had been at the helm of the Orlando Magic for four years before. In 2008, he took the Celtics to the NBA title.

During his basketball career, former match manager Rivers represented the Atlanta Hawks, Clippers, New York Knicks and San Antonio Spurs.

The 76ers took sixth place in the 2019/2020 Western Conference and recognized the superiority of the Boston Celtics in the first round of the elimination tournament with 0-4. After leaving the play-off club, the management fired head coach Brett Brown, who had been in office for the previous seven seasons.

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