Visits by Brandon Carr; Possible security adjustment?

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FRISCO, Texas – A familiar face met the Cowboys on Friday and may be an option for them as they find out about the 53-man roster this weekend.

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Former cornerback Brandon Carr, who has spent the past three years in Baltimore, visited the team on Friday. He actually has some security experience, playing the position last year for the Ravens.

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Carr is a 12 year old veteran at the age of 34, has never missed a game of his career. He has played a full 16-game schedule for a dozen seasons, but has been a free agent this offseason, the Ravens decided against taking his option.

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Carr’s 192-game streak is the longest active streak for a defensive player. But that streak is in jeopardy with the season starting next week and Carr not on the roster.

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He played in Dallas from 2012 to 2016, mostly in the left corner, but he sometimes moved to the safe position in Rob Ryan’s diagram.

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The Cowboys need safety now after cutting veteran Ha Ha Clinton-Dix. The Cowboys will likely start Xavier Woods and Darian Thompson.

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While there has been past interest in Earl Thomas, a seven-time Pro Bowler who was also on the Ravens last year, the Cowboys could go for a more versatile option in Carr, who has the flexibility to play both. in corner and in safety.


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