Udinese-Spezia, Rafael show between saves and the assist to Galabinov: then he is moved. VIDEO

The goalkeeper enters the second half in place of the injured Zoet and drags Spezia to victory over Udinese with a great save on Lasagna and the assist for Galabinov’s second goal. Then at the end of the game: “If I thought about quitting after Cagliari? Yes …”. And he goes away moved


In the victory of the Spice against theUdinese, the first in Serie A in the history of the Ligurian club, there is not only the signing of Galabinov, author of the two goals that gave the Italian team the three points. The other protagonist of the evening at the Dacia Arena is the goalkeeper Rafael, arrived in Liguria in mid-September to make the reserve of Sweet and entered the second half in place of the injured Dutchman. The former Verona and Cagliari carried out two interventions, one of which decisive to hypnotize Kevin Lasagna. Not just parades. The 38-year-old goalkeeper, who as a good Brazilian gets along with his feet, in the 94th minute he launched Galabinov on the counterattack with a perfect assist, which allowed the attacker to put the game on ice. Not a new play for the Brazilian, who had already distinguished himself for a similar launch a few years ago at Verona.

The emotion at the end of the race

see also

Spezia, 2-0 in Udine: first historic victory in Serie A

“I’m happy, it’s a group of guys who work hard. They want to save themselves and if we put the right determination we can achieve important results – said Rafael to the microphones of Sky Sport -. What did I think when entering the field? You must always be ready if there is a need and so it was – he continued -. The assist to Galabinov? I found myself with the ball in my hands, I saw him alone: ​​then he stopped very well and scored“. And when Sky’s correspondent, Marina Presello, asks him if he has thought about retirement after leaving Cagliari last August, Rafael whispers “yes”, rubs his face with his arm and leaves. Moved and happy, for the victory of his Spezia and for returning to play in Serie A after more than 9 months. His last match was against Udinese on 21 December 2019. From Udinese to Udinese. Rafael’s new life has begun.



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