Stroll’s gap to Perez in FP2 up to “overdriving”, says Racing Point

Friday’s practice in Sochi was a mixed match for Racing Point, who had Sergio Perez in the top six in FP2, while Lance Stroll fell behind in 17th place. The team’s chief technical officer made part of the gap between the two on “overdriving” strolls.

Racing Point confirmed ahead of the race weekend that only one set of upgrades would be available in Russia due to Lance Stroll’s fall at Mugello. The young Canadian kept the updated car as it was higher in the driver rankings. But it was Sergio Perez who finished FP2 in sixth place on Friday.

READ MORE: Perez had to wait for Racing Point to upgrade due to the Stroll crash in Mugello

“Both drivers have problems with the balance of the various tire specifications we run. The track is quite difficult on asphalt but I think Sergio was a lot more comfortable with the car in the beginning and I think Lance wasn’t that uncomfortable with the car, he was just more uncomfortable with the way he drove, ”said the technical director Andy Green.

“Whenever we asked him about the car, he said, ‘The car is fine, I just can’t put a lap together, I just need more time to think about it. ‘There was certainly a bit of overdriving going on on Lance’s side. I think Sergio was a bit more relaxed and only built up gradually. I think Lance may have walked in a little too quickly.

Lance Stroll: “Car felt good” in Sochi practice

“None of them reported any major problems. It’s a difficult stretch to get right. The tires have to be on the softer end – which is what they are – for the softest of the tires to be fine, but when you go to the hard tire it’s a really difficult track to go and I think you got that with you this morning seen some turns.

“No major problems. There are some new parts in the car this weekend and everything seemed to be going exceptionally well. “

FP2 REPORT: Bottas leads Hamilton in the second practice session in Sochi, while Ricciardo impresses in P3

While Stroll struggles to some degree on Friday, Green expects a pre-qualifying reaction based on how hard he’s seen the 21-year-old improve.

“Obviously he just came from Mugello where he thought the car was very strong. I think it might have a little to do with the fact that he just got back from a simulator session in Sochi and maybe the simulator gave him an overly optimistic view of the track, or maybe the track is where it is in two parts is shared for days and not where it was this morning.

“So he probably got into it and expected the track to have some degree of grip, and it wasn’t there. I think he struggled to find them and adapt his style to the track conditions at the time.


Perez landed on P6 in FP2 on Friday afternoon

“But he’s going to go away and devour the data – we know what he is, he’s adamant about that. So he’s going to go through all the dates we need to give him tonight and tomorrow morning and he’ll come back with any corrections, which he always does. He’s very good at it. “

So far, Perez seems like the most likely driver to challenge at the top in Sochi, but despite finishing third in qualifying, which is apparently up for grabs, he is wary of the competition Racing Point faces.

READ MORE: Perez clears the air with Racing Point after saying the team are starting to hide things from him

“I was surprised how hot it is out there!” Said Perez. “But generally a positive day. Good laps, the car feels good so I don’t think there’s much to be found. But it will be an uphill battle. The Renaults are up there, Red Bull is up there, so there will be some hard calls tomorrow.

“Max [Verstappen]The theoretical best is way ahead, so I think they will be a challenge tomorrow and I expect that from Renault too. And the McLarens can be up there too, so I think there’s still a lot to play for tomorrow. “


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