Philippa York’s Tour de France Analysis: Goosebumps

July 23, 1989. I finished my time trial – 15 miles from Versailles to the Champs-Elysées in Paris. I know the road from the beginning to the Seine from my amateur days at ACBB and the rest from previous Tours de France: mostly downhill, decent underground and a couple of underpasses that slow you down a bit. The hardest part is the climb to the curve on the Champs-Elysées, which we do in the opposite direction.

I’m trying to hold onto my place over Sean Kelly at GC so I’ll put a ’54 outer ring on the Lo-Pro bike and do a decent warm-up. After setting out, I don’t feel well, but I seem to be riding fast on the descents and on the flat spots along the river. The only time I change gears is climbing out of the underpasses, but I never go any deeper than the 15-sprocket so I pretend I can’t do it badly.


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