«No to a new lockdown. The opening of the stadiums is inappropriate. Draghi is not a rival “

From Berlusconi to the red zone, Giuseppe Conte speak again. “Silvio Berlusconi I called him the night I learned he had contracted the virus. It was a short phone call. I presented him with the best wishes for a speedy recovery ”, explained the premier at the Fact party. “When a person is hospitalized, one refrains from personal considerations”. On the virus “We have a high monitoring system and we can face autumn with confidence, without a new lockdown. We are in a position to implement, if necessary, targeted and detailed closures ». The government «has never opened to discos, contrary to what has been said. Then the regions reopened them. In the stadium the gathering is inevitable, inside, as well as entering and leaving: the opening I find inappropriate ».

Read also> Covid, the infectious disease specialist Galli: “The virus still circulates, voting in September is inappropriate: it was better to open schools in October”

On the red zone, «I have never reviewed my statements: I spoke of the minutes of March 3. On March 4, Minister Speranza meets Fontana and Gallera in Milan, on March 5 we talk to the Council of Ministers and we talk about the content and the need arises for an additional study. Brusaferro gives an opinion on the night of the 5th. When I go on the morning of the 6th we have already prepared the regulatory instrument for Alzano », explains Conte. “On the morning of the 6th the data of the 5th arrive, new facts, and in the comparison the experts themselves mature the decision of the red zone in the whole Lombardy and for other provinces”. Then, the policy: «When we talk about the opposition we are talking about three center-right parties with exponents of different temperaments. With Fi the dialogue is constant and very institutional and respect for roles, with Meloni too. With Salvini, however, when I leave a message, I am not called back … ».

“When a new EU commission was worked out, Timmermans was first proposed but in the end it did not go well – said Conte -. Soon after I myself tried to create consensus for Draghi, I would have seen him well as president of the EU Commission. I met him because I didn’t want to spend his name in vain but he told me he didn’t feel available because he was tired of his European experience. It is not a rival, it is an excellence ».

Last update: Saturday 5 September 2020, 13:51




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