Marco Asensio, third low in the selection

Javier Asprón



Marco Asensio suffers an edema in the knee that will force him to leave the concentration of the Spanish team in the next few hours.

The Madrid winger is the third confirmed loss from Luis Enrique’s initial list. Oyarzabal He was the first to fall after testing positive for coronavirus. Replaced him Gerard Moreno.

This Monday it was also learned that Adama traore He did not even travel to Madrid after also testing positive in a test carried out by his club, the English Wolverhampton.

In case of Asensio It is not related to the virus, but it will prevent you from playing the games of the Nations League against Germany and Ukraine.

The team travels to Stuttgart on Wednesday, the scene a day after the match against the Germans. German security protocols specify that no one can enter the country if they do not show a negative test with a maximum age of 48 hours. That is the main reason that Luis Enrique has not called any other player to cover these last two casualties.

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