Injured toes, Cristiano Ronaldo is threatened to leave Portugal’s defense


Cristiano Ronaldo is threatened with not being able to appear to defend Portugal in the UEFA Nations League. He is currently struggling with an injury to his toe.

Ronaldo is one of the 25 players called up by Fernando Santos to play the 2020/2021 UEFA Nations League match. Selecao das Aquinas, who are the defending champions in this event, will compete against Croatia (5/9) and Sweden (8/9) in Group 3 of Liga A.

But now, CR7 is reportedly in danger of not being able to appear in this match. The news broke after the 35-year-old striker was not seen in training this morning at the Portugal training center, Cidade do Futebol.

The Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) revealed that Ronaldo had an infection in the finger on his right foot. It made him undergo medical treatment.

“Cristiano Ronaldo was absent from training this morning at Cidade do Futebol,” read a statement from the FPF on their official website.

“The captain of the Portugal national team has been training at the gym since yesterday. He has an infection in his right toe and is undergoing treatment with antibiotics,” the statement continued.

Apart from Ronaldo, another Portuguese pillar who is smothered with injuries is Renato Sanhes. The Lille midfielder has even been confirmed to have been dropped from the Portugal squad.

Ronaldo himself is currently chasing his 100th goal for the Portuguese national team. He now only needs one goal to register this.

The Juventus player has currently scored 99 goals in 164 appearances for the Portugal national team. Ronaldo is the player with the record for appearances and goals for this country in the Iberian Peninsula.

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