In Torreón, Campestre announces 2020 Annual Golf Tournament

Under strict hygiene measures, from October 6 to 10, the XLVI edition of the Annual Golf Tournament will be held at the facilities of Torreón Country Club, with an important bag of prizes to be distributed in all categories.

This Friday the call was presented by Enrique Menéndez, president of the club’s Board of Directors, accompanied by Julián Alba González, general director, as well as a member of the organizing committee.

Return to activities

Enrique Menéndez commented that six months ago the facilities had to be closed due to the health contingency, It was 90 days and with strict protocols it was reopened again.

He indicated that it is possible to carry out the tournament by complying with the demands of the health authorities and the enthusiasm of the members, as well as guests, so much so that the registrations are practically full.

Julián Alba mentioned that it is a tradition that continues despite the pandemic, which may be incongruous in the current situation, but the partners are committed to fully abide by hygiene measures.

The categories convened are the traditional ones, such as the stellar one that is the Championship, which is by invitation and to which the best golfers in the region attend, as well as from other cities in the country and even abroad. The rest are AA, A, B, C, D, E, Senior 1 and 2, as well as First and Second Ladies.

The tournament will be played with the handicaps of September 1, 2020, from the Mexican Golf Federation and as a second option a letter from the club to which it belongs.

The final will be played on Saturday and the 12 best scores from each of the categories will pass the cut to define the winners, which will be awarded up to third place, in addition to first place Gross by stableford in Senior’s A and First Ladies.

After reopening its doors, the Club’s golf course has had an important activity, respecting the protocols established by the health contingency for covid-19, and gradually more golfers have approached to practice their sport in the hope that soon the tournaments that regularly take place prior to the Annual, which is the magna Club party.

The organizers are preparing surprises for the participants, to make the tournament a unique experience, as is customary. Defending champion Guillermo Silva de Guadalajara is already confirmed in the championship.

Annual padel

Alejandro Vázquez, president of the Paddle Committee, mentioned that this sport grew rapidly and currently there are 2 thousand people who practice it, being around 500 in Campestre Torreón.

That is why this discipline is formally included in this celebration, where it is expected to bring together about 350 players.

Diego Salazar, a professional in this sport, indicated that it will be played from September 21 to October 3, with the participation of local players, as well as Argentina, Monterrey, Mérida, Mexico City, among others. There’s a $ 3,000 bag of professionals.




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