How the KNVB ended up with Frank de Boer as the successor to Koeman

Orange followers Arno Vermeulen (NOS), Henk Hoijtink (Trouw) and Maarten Wijffels (Algemeen Dagblad) immediately mention a number of names that qualify for the succession of Koeman. Vermeulen would immediately throw a line to Frank Rijkaard and Louis van Gaal. According to Wijffels, the KNVB must “think big”. He comes up with Pep Guardiola and Peter Bosz.

Hoijtink mentions the names of three trainers who he believes could provide a logical continuation of Koeman’s work: “Frank de Boer, Phillip Cocu and Giovanni van Bronckhorst. Three trainers who come out in a civilized way, are good ambassadors and have a good past. to have.”


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