“Football has left me a lot of scars” – Football News

In 2007 Jens Dyck was one of the greatest talents on the Belgian fields. Who? Dyck was allowed to test at Manchester United, after which it went down steeply. He was not spared by life and in 2020 plays at … Wechelderzande, in Antwerp’s fourth provincial.

HLN spoke with Jens Dyck, once a great promise. At the U17 World Cup, Dyck played the tiles of the roof alongside Christian Benteke and Eden Hazard, among others. “I was allowed to test at Manchester United, I ended up being there for six months. Every Tuesday we played a match against the first team, including Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo.”

Homesickness brought Dyck back to Club Brugge. From then on it went down steeply. “I got glandular fever and meningitis. In my host family I was given too much freedom and I had no self-discipline.”

At Waasland-Beveren, the train did not get back on track either. Dyck’s professional career was over without her having begun. “Things went badly after Bruges. I met new friends and got mental problems. Going to a pub, alcohol, drugs … for me that was a flight from reality.” Dyck realized that it couldn’t go on like this and allowed himself to be admitted.

In 2020 it is going with ups and downs for Dyck, who plays football at Wechelderzande purely for fun. “I saw Eden become champion with Real Madrid … I had that talent too. But I have no regrets that I did not succeed. Football has left me a lot of scars. As a professional you need a strong character. May give a tip to young football players: find good guidance and get a diploma “, Dyck concludes


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