Analysis and balance of the Spanish in the WGC Mexico Championship

Rafa Cabrera Bello. (© Golffile | Ken Murray)

Laughter goes through neighborhoods among the Spanish after the last round of WGC México Championship. A golf tournament has a thousand stories in itself and, logically, each player is different. Beyond the magnificent third place of Jon Rahm and his recently acquired status of Number Two in the world ranking, the reality is that the feelings among the rest of the other Spaniards present in this World Championship are very different.

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Rafa Cabrera Bello Y Sergio garcia they leave Chapultepec strengthened, while Jorge Campillo Y Pablo Larrazabal more doubts than certainties are carried in the suitcase. But we go in parts …

Both Rafa and Sergio know that they are for more important goals than those achieved this week. Rafa can use and come in handy a 16th place in his main task of maintaining the rights of the PGA Tour for another year, but it is not enough for a golfer who has already moved comfortably in the first places of the big events.

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Be that as it may, each one is him and his circumstances and if we take into account that Rafa came to Riviera last week with the occasional black cloud over his swing, linking two weeks in a row in the top 17, with more laps under par than over and fighting with the best in the world, is a reinforcement. Last week was a turning point and this is another step forward. The doubts about his swing have disappeared and Rafa is already more Rafa. Good and bad tournaments will come out, but not because of worrying about things that in recent years did not exist in his head. Now, at last, you only have to think about competing in the best possible way on the field … and it is not a little. He finished 16th, with a total of -7 and a final lap of 68 strokes, seven under par at the weekend. He’s back in competition at the Arnold Palmer in Bay Hill in a week. The next few days can see him, hopefully, relaxing on some beach in Los Angeles after having linked six weeks in a row playing all over the world. “Of the seven days a week, I will take the club only one”, he assures Ten Golf.

Rahm is ranked Number Two in the world before another big celebration

Sergio garcia has released a lot of ballast this Sunday. He has signed a return of 66 strokes, five under par, and finished with -2 in total, ranked 37th. Needless to say, he finished well below his standards and targets, but the final lap gives him a breath of confidence that he needed. There have been five birdies without failure, with three of them in the last four holes, and putting some very good putt as in the birdie hole 8, about six meters, and in the 2 for par, from about three. Two rounds in a row under par. In short, a reinforcement for this line of work. Sergio’s next tournament is THE PLAYERS.

Pablo Larrazabal he has said goodbye to Mexico with a round of 75 strokes for a total of +6. Something touched leaves. He arrived with great confidence and morale through the roof. He knows that he is hitting the ball well and was convinced that he was going to be higher this week, or at least that he was going to compete better. It has had good phases, but in the end it is more loaded of the account and far behind in the classification. He thinks that he has taken a step back in that construction of the new swing that he is carrying out with Robert Rock, although the reality is due more to the heat of the moment than anything else. Larrazábal is more reliable than ever and, simply, a big week has been choked on him again, surely more for a mental than a technical issue. Pablo goes straight to Oman to play the European Tour next week.

Jorge Campillo does not clear the doubts. Today was going very well, with two under par with five holes to go, but it ended like the rosary of dawn. A partial of six more between holes 5 and 8 has ruined a lap that was going well. It seems that this year Extremadura is having a hard time overcoming the bad moments that always come in a round of golf. Oman will surely see a new version more powerful and more in line with its player status. He needs to gain confidence and nothing better than in a tournament where he finished second last year.


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