A cappuccino with Sconcerti: Eriksen is just a great player: what do you do with one like that? | First page

The appointment of Calciomercato.com: a cappuccino with Mario Sconcerti. The topics of football current affairs explored by one of the reference points of Italian journalism and a permanent presence on the pages of our site. Today’s insight is on Christian Eriksen.

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What will happen to the Dane? The salary of around eight million keeps him out of any Italian and French team, in Germany only Bayern and Dortmund could take him. So either he goes back to England or he stays at Inter in a marginal position. He is probably one of those big players who lacks something in character, a little, last, adaptability. It doesn’t even suit our way of playing, quite specialized. Eriksen is a free player, he knows how to do many things, he is creativity, a snap. This makes it flexible, therefore also excludable from everything. In Italy there are no roles, there are tasks. Who runs, who sets, who finishes, who finishes. Eriksen does a bit of everything but is only decisive when he scores or scores. He needs a team that supports him, that pays for his freedom. However, it is strange to have purchased it. Understanding him more now, it was clear that he was not a suitable player for Conte. Not muscular, not electric, not patriotic. Just a great player. So what do you do with it?


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